Being Aware About the Different Types of Migraines

Migraine is a headache that can occur for at least four hours and extend up to 72 hours. Although there are different types of migraines, there are two general kinds of migraine namely classic and common. A classic migraine is usually experienced after an aura. Aura is considered as a warning that is usually presented as a vision of flashes or streaks of light. You may also feel a tingling sensation in your fingers as a part of your aura. The warning symptoms typically last for a minimum of 10 minutes and a maximum of half an hour. On the other hand, common migraine does not present with an aura. Pain and feeling nauseated are experienced by people diagnosed with either common or classic migraine.

Aside from the classic and common migraine, there are other types of migraines. Migraine that is related to having your menstruation is called menstrual migraine. If the headache is felt after intense activities such as running, coughing or lifting, it is referred to as benign exertional migraine. There are also people who experience severe and chronic headache that cause them to be hospitalized and have notable changes in their behavior. This type of migraine is called status migrainosus. This is a rare condition that may last for more than 72 hours. Status migrainosus is said to be caused by consumption of certain drugs.

Other types of migraines are hemiplegic and ophthalmoplegic. With the first type of migraine, a side of your body is paralyzed temporarily. This can also be accompanied by vertigo and temporary blindness. The mentioned symptoms appear with headache. On the other hand, ophthalmoplegic migraine is a headache that presents with pain around your eye. This may cause you to experience double vision. You will also feel as if your eyelids are drooping.

There are people who experience vertigo as well as changes in the coordination of muscles. These symptoms are followed by the occurrence of headache. This is called as basilar artery migraine. Your basilar artery which is located the base of your brain is affected. This type of migraine is usually felt by people undergoing puberty as well as women who are currently having their menstrual period.

There is also a type of migraine that is not characterized by headache. This is called as headache-free migraine. A person who is diagnosed with this kind of migraine experience vomiting or feel nauseated. You may also have either diarrhea or constipation. Doctors claim that headache-free migraine is caused by unexplainable pain in a specific part of your body. Fever can also trigger this condition.

There are migraines that are rarely experienced such as exertion and medication-related migraine. Food and alcohol-related migraine are also an unusual condition. These rare types of migraine are curable. It is best that you take note of the food that you ate or activities that you are engaged in that may have triggered you to experience a migraine attack. You should relay these to your doctor so that he would be able to diagnose your condition properly.      
